Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Awkward introductions and casual fumbling
Relieve the tension and excuse the shaking girl
Who sat where you belong,
Lovingly weaving the basket I can put my feelings in later.

But I can’t see your simple spring cotton, ordinary beauty, sensible shoes…
Only your North City lights,
“Little lavender colored mints,
Teacups hung on hooks,
And pirate’s flying saucer”-
Because the multicolored jewels that spill from your lips
Make me “feel like I have tears in my eyes”.

So I close them, acquiesce,
To concentrate on your careful telling,
Of  “scribbled notes in dove-blood ink on yellowed vellum”,
Delivered by the harried prophet from outside the cafe,
To you, then me-
Secret whispered from the edge of my memory,
Told softly as Grandmother’s hands, neatly folding linen napkins,
And a with kid’s smile, behind intelligent eyeglasses
Now I know what he said, but won’t repeat,
In a language I can’t speak,
But now understand.

CM Shaw 2011

I took a few lines from St. Louis poet Stefene Russell for this, hence the quotation marks. I did this because the poem is about going to watch her read poetry recently- having a hard time describing the experience, I just started pulling line of hers to use. Listening to Stefene read poetry is akin to opening a box of keepsakes from someones life- her careful enunciation and clear, but soft voice I find very pleasing even when I'm unsure what she's talking about, what the objects in the keepsake box mean all the time. I read this recently at Duff's for the April Chance Operations reading, and was surprised to get a cheer from the back of the room when I tried to explain this! In the few times we've spoken, Stefene has always been really nice to me, too- her and her husband Thom came to my art show at Concrete Ocean last year on a night of a lot of other bigger, more important openings in the area. I was really honored by that. Sorry about the weird sketch of Stefene- I (laughs) can't really explain that :D

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