Sunday, March 22, 2020

Dreams of the Lucid Variety

My nephew HBH is a prolific songwriter, and sometimes musical companion with myself and his Uncle Myles, as the trio MUNCLE. I am sometimes called upon to create art for album covers for HBH, and enjoy his "just run with it" approach to creative collaboration. That combined with his sometimes surreal soundscapes and idiosyncratic lyrics give me a lot of room and material to work with. Within a couple days ideas began to solidify, and I doused found objects, some quickly modified, with a half cup of water for this photo, inspired by the tracks he let me hear.

Initially, HBH gave me the title "Lucid Grave", but I liked his song "Dreamer", so I suggested "Lucid Dreamer". He then offered "Dreams of the Lucid Variety", which I liked a lot. He's a very interesting man and fun collaborative partner. I'd like to make a video for 'Dreamer" in the future- until then, check out a video I made for his song "Halloween":

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