Friday, October 28, 2011


"Diver" 2010
11 x 14". mixed media collage on canvas

I wasn't consciously trying to say anything when I created this canvas, though it says a lot to me now, looking back. That summer I was showing for three months in a row at the Urban Arts Collective in South St. Louis, making new paintings to add for each of the 3 receptions thrown to promote my residency. In retrospect, that was a little too much for me personally, but it was a good learning experience and I sold a few of the paintings I'd made at another show later that autumn. This little canvas was somewhat lost in the crowd, but I feel it has something of it's own to offer. It's copper metallic & violet color scheme is really vivid in person. The figure diving downward could mean many different things depending on the viewer. What do you see?

See more of my available works at my WORKS AVAILABLE page at   :)
email me if you are interested!

1 comment:

Chaotic Black Sheep said...

Sorry I've fallen out of the loop. It is good to catch up and thank you for continuing to follow my blog. I really like this piece. The colors are lovely and the mood is one of acceptance and ownership and conveys a purposeful action, not a sense of falling but of diving, tumbling, dancing... very cool.